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Students Representatives Committee The Student Representative Committee is the ’s highest consultative association for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Students are elected to the committee every two years. Working directly with both students and staff, the committee represents and supports the interests of students to the highest levels of the . Whether it is about academic procedures, course structures or on campus services, the committee is ensure that the student voice is always heard. The committee seeks to organise and support a range of events, events and projects that seek to enhance the student experience. The purpose of the committee is to convey to the any concerns and/or suggestions on behalf of the student community. The committee also act as a means of communication between the and the student community. The committee may also perform any other functions conferred on it by the President or Vice-President.
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Students Representatives Committee The Student Representative Committee is the ’s highest consultative association for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Students are elected to the committee every two years. Working directly with both students and staff, the committee represents and supports the interests of students to the highest levels of the . Whether it is about academic procedures, course structures or on campus services, the committee is ensure that the student voice is always heard. The committee seeks to organise and support a range of events, events and projects that seek to enhance the student experience. The purpose of the committee is to convey to the any concerns and/or suggestions on behalf of the student community. The committee also act as a means of communication between the and the student community. The committee may also perform any other functions conferred on it by the President or Vice-President.
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Pro Deo International University
Pro Deo International
scientia potentia est